AJ saw Rheumatology first on Sept 20 and again today Nov 27. Still unexplained symptoms and "next step" for Rheumatology to review history and labs again with Dermatology and Allergy. Allergy has said it's a Rheumatology issue and Rheumatology has said it's an Allergy issue. Both agree he has urticaria and demographism but no explanation for the joint pain, swelling, hot spots and bruising. He had negative allergy tests and negative autoimmune tests. We are told to maximize antihistamine therapy and ibuprofen (Zyrtec 1 mg/mL 1 tsp twice daily, Zantac 15 mg/mL 1 tsp twice daily and Iburpropen 10 mL every 6 hours as needed). Follow up is with Rheumatology in 2 months and labs will be re-done.
-Swelling (internal / external)
-Stomach pain / loss of appetite / constipation
-Joint pain / hard knots
-Bruising / hot spots
-negative Allergies
-negative ANA labs
-negative Angioedema
-negative Cystic Fibrosis
-negative Tethered Cord
-normal VCUG
-normal Spinal MRI
-normal Abdominal X-ray
My "mommy knows" diagnosis:
He has an autoimmune issue that causes the symptoms. When he is sick with an infection his autoimmune issue which is already mis-firing goes into an all out battle and that's when the severe symptoms occur.
I will continue to track symptoms and take pictures of rashes, swelling and bruising. If symptoms get any worse I am prepared to get another Rheumatology opinion. I'm hoping the labs in 2 months are more helpful.