About Me

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I am a very proud mama of two children. I have done a lot of reading over the past 7 years and worked very closely with our wonderful pediatrician and nurse practitioner and have learned some useful medical information that I hope other parents will find helpful. I believe parents to be their child's best advocate. We know their "normal". I believe it is our responsibility to understand their medical conditions, symptoms, lab results and diagnosis so we can ask good questions and ultimately help in the good health of our children. **I am NOT a doctor nor have I had any medical training. I am simply sharing information helpful in my specific situation.** Welcome to "Pediatric Mama"!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Understanding Immunoglobulins

Both of my children were sick frequently and under the care of our Pediatrician, Infectious Disease Specialist, Allergist / Immunologist, Pulmonologist, and ENT Specialist. Depending on your child's symptoms and medical history you may see any one or a combination of these.

An immunoglobulin test measures the level of certain immunoglobulins, or antibodies, in the blood. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to fight antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

1. Be persistent and ask questions until you understand and feel comfortable with the diagnosis and care of your child.
2. Keep all lab results in your binder (See post "The Best Thing I Ever Did").
3. Look at the big picture not just one set of labs. Compare medical history and diagnosis with ALL labs.

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